ica’s Blog
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Flat as a flatland

there are lots of things i can do right now,for example study for tmrw.ive never succeed study one week before the exam starts.studying is just so boring and complicated.

my favorite subjects is biology because my bio teacher is HOT.He has this hot unshaven look.he looks like Keanu reeves and Dwayne Johnson mixed up.He’s half French and half Vietnamese.His son’s name is Asa.Asa is 5 years old and super cute.but………..dont ask me about his attitude.It’ll drive u crazy

n1463181607_30039586_4490 Thats me and asa.He love kisses.He is soooo funy.One time i was playing with him and he touches my boob and i said,” Asa,thats not good.U shouldnt do that”.then he touch his own breast and he said,”i dont have”.i know mine are super flat so i said to him,”me too.i dont have”.he replied,”yes u have.But little bit”.such a cool baby.haha

maybe i need to buy the boobs enlarging ringtone(hahahah!how cool is that eh?a tone could make ur boobs bigger!).I saw it on the internet.they sell that kind of stuff in japan.

ADIOS, people with cleavage!

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